CESL YouTubes

This blog is for CESL YouTubes. It was once (046) an EAP1 blog. We are CESL- Center for English as a Second Language, So. Illinois Univ., Carbondale IL USA. Welcome!

Friday, December 10, 2004

Ten pieces of adiviece to survive CESL EAP1

Top ten lists

1- Time: make sure that you are on time in class and have time to do your homework.

2-Sleep: sleep a lot a home, don’t stay awake too late at home in order to wake up earlier, to sleep a lot, and to be punctual at CESL class.

3-Pencil: they are necessary for note taking, and more, with them you will be able to erase your errors.

4-Energy: CESL professors appreciate dynamic students, you have better not be lazy and boring.

5-Lunch: Between 12 o’clock pm and 1 o’clock pm you will certainty need to charge your batteries for the next class. So eat well and good.

6-Good humor: Be happy because it is definitely easier to work with happy people than with angry people. You could also understand more quickly if you are not irritated.

7-Tolerance: Because CESL students are usually International students, it will be good for you to accept them as they are. Who knows? Maybe you could make some friends or more…etc.

8-Clean clothes: I don’t think that teachers would like to work with somebody who is dirty.

9-Politeness: If you were vulgar, it’s about time you changed your attitude because you could embarrass your classmates with bad manners.

10-Be able to work in groups: you will have a lot of group activity, so if you were solitary you would be a handicap to your classmates.


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