CESL YouTubes

This blog is for CESL YouTubes. It was once (046) an EAP1 blog. We are CESL- Center for English as a Second Language, So. Illinois Univ., Carbondale IL USA. Welcome!

Friday, December 10, 2004

A list of 10 thing for surviving CESL

1. computer – we should use internet and ward in order to do every homework and prepare presentation.

2. textbook – course is based on textbook.

3. active attitude – we are a international student and we should get on well with other international students. And class is need to active attitude in order to more speak.

4. attendance – if we absent this class, we can learn English any more.

5. confidence – It is very difficult to speak in English because we can not fluency. So we need to confidence regardless whether we become incorrect when we speak in English.

6. enough sleep – if we didn’t sleep enough, we may snooze during class, and we can’t understand what teacher say.

7. money – we need to money in order to buy something such as, book, food and so forth.

8. dictionary – dictionary is help to find meaning of word and write essay.

9. time – to learn English we need to time.

10. international friends - we should talk to friends in English in order to improve our English

by You Jin Lee


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