CESL YouTubes

This blog is for CESL YouTubes. It was once (046) an EAP1 blog. We are CESL- Center for English as a Second Language, So. Illinois Univ., Carbondale IL USA. Welcome!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Today music is faster and heavier than before. They are accepted by most young people. Rock and pop are the most popular music style. But the are so hard for parents to accept. They prefer to listen to light and classical music. They like the traditional melody. It;s so boring for me. But i believe that soft rock will be the next generation. Soft rock music can express people is real emotions with not sucha noisy melody. People need listen to music to put off the stress that they have in work and life. So music keeps changing because people live in a different time have different kinds of emotions to express.



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